Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Normal Day?

I thought today was a stay home and catch up day-boy! was I wrong...I got a call first thing to go teach a riding lesson 30 miles away at noon. It's near Jeff's office so I called him and arranged to hit the wood stove store then have a quick lunch. Before I left the farm I turned the horses out; did one of three stalls; tended to the chickens and dogs and got myself presentable.Stopped on the way at the store for cake supplies- I have an order for an "army" cake friday. -Not really my thing but I'm not turning down and order and it should be kinda fun. Met Jeff, taught the lesson got done at 1:35 and headed back to town to meet my hay broker at 2pm. Loaded my hay, stopped at the feed store for some bandaging materials- one of the dogs needs some sores wrapped so she can't irritate them more than she already has.Then I headed home.Let the dogs out- Jet was a bad dog, stole pie off the counter and broke a dish even though I left him with a nice bone-spoiled brat!!! he was mad I'm sure because i took Mugsy with me.Got the rest of the barn chores (stalls etc) almost done just in time for my afternoon lesson to show up. Beautiful children who can't wait to collect the eggs. A thrill for me to share! Got EIGHT eggs today. We put a light in the chicken coup to imitate longer days and it's working GREAT!! groomed Cain with the kids then taught a lesson -rode a little to demonstrate. Put the horse away sent the family on their way, finished up the barn chores and now Jeff is pulling in the driveway. I have steaks thawing and I headed upstairs to treat myself to the hot tub and a glass of wine. Hopefully Jeff will join me. Looks like I'll just make it in mefore the sun goes down across the river Phew! A productive day!!

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